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We offer a wide variety of poultry by-products such as halal animal proteins (soft meal, mix meal & feather meal), poultry oil/fat, frozen chicken & chicken feet.

Poultry meat are among the animal-source foods most widely eaten at global level, across greatly diverse cultures, traditions and religions. Consumption of poultry meat – and of animal-source foods in general – has increased rapidly in past decades. Growing demand has mostly been driven by population growth, urbanization and rising incomes in developing countries. Chicken dominates meat consumption as it is generally affordable, low in fat and faces few religious and cultural barriers. Demand for poultry meat is expected to continue increasing due to population growth and rising individual consumption. The market for poultry meat is projected to increase regardless of region or income level, with per capita growth slightly higher in developing than in developed regions. Poultry meat contribute to human nutrition by providing high-quality protein and low levels of fat, with a desirable fatty acid profile. Urban and peri-urban dwellers generally eat poultry raised in intensive systems, either locally produced or imported, but niche markets exist for indigenous poultry and poultry products. In rural areas of developing counties, most households consume meat from their own, usually small, flocks of indigenous birds.


Poultry meal protein is a high Protein/Low ash pet food grade animal protein. Poultry Meal is produced from ground rendered clean parts of the carcass of slaughtered poultry.


Poultry Mix Meal

Poultry Mix Meal protein is a high protein/low ash pet food grade animal protein. Poultry Mix Meal is produced from the ground rendered clean parts of the carcass of slaughtered poultry.



Feather meal is an 80% protein by-product of broiler, turkey and poultry processing. Hydrolysed feather meal is produced by controlled hydrolysis of natural feathers from fresh plants approved for export process chickens, the ingredients are fresh, and come from the daily processing chickens.



Blood meal is made from tight control of freshness and quality of the raw material (fresh blood, free of foreign materials such as hair feather, digestive contents, urine, etc.). In the manufacturing process using the spray drying system, this system involves spraying the blood in a flow counter current to warm and dry air, which causes dehydration of the blood. Through this drying system yields a product of high nutritional value, because it avoids the destruction of heat sensitive amino acids, such as lysine. Basically, the spray drying system employs lower temperatures and exposure times of the raw material. This ensures obtaining a product of very high bioavailability of lysine and other essential amino acids, compared to blood meal obtained by drying in rotating drums. Other comparative advantages are its low final moisture content (low odour), absence of carbon particles and uniform grain size. A well processed blood meal, is almost double that fishmeal Lysine and three times the soybean meal.



Chicken fat is fat obtained from chicken rendering and processing. Of the many animal-sourced substances, chicken fat is noted for being high in linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid. Linoleic acid levels are between 17.9% and 22.8%. It is a common flavouring, additive or main component of chicken soup. It is often used in pet foods, and has been used in the production of biodiesel.



Chicken feet consists of bones, skin, and tendons, but no muscles. These are packed with protein, calcium, trace minerals, collagen, and cartilage that are easily absorbed by the body. These are the essential nutrients required for good joint movement to minimize arthritis and joint pain.


Animal Proteins

Animal Proteins Are Complete, But Plant Proteins Are Not In total, there are around 20 amino acids that the human body uses to build proteins. ... Animal protein sources, such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy, are similar to the protein found in your body.

Poultry oil/fat

Chemically, both fats and oils are composed of triglycerides. Although many animal parts and secretions may yield oil, in commercial practice, oil is extracted primarily from rendered tissue fats obtained from livestock animals like chickens and cows.

Frozen chicken

A healthy substitute for red meat, chicken takes well to a number of cooking methods and is readily available. Frozen chicken is often cheaper than fresh chicken and has the added benefit of having longer storage times than fresh chicken does. You can also freeze extra fresh chicken.